New Release and New Perspective

Today marks the day of the release of my fourth book, Secrets She Knew: A Secrets and Lies Suspense Novel. It’s the first book in the Secrets and Lies Series and is already a #1 New Release on Amazon. It is thrilling to be able to say that this fourth book is now out in the world, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was a little (a lot) overshadowed by the current state of the world given the Coronavirus outbreak. And that’s okay. It should be.

The thing about events like this outbreak is that it forces us to remember how fragile the everyday world we take for granted is. That each day that is “normal” is a blessing, a gift to be cherished. That there is something marvelous about the mundane.

And yet, though it is fragile, we are secure in the knowledge that there is a plan, that God’s got this, that we are not tossed about by the waves of this life. So I encourage you to weather this storm by leaning into Him and trusting, and by being kind to one another, helping where we can and remembering that we are all in this together.

In the meantime, it doesn’t hurt to grab a book, fall in and disappear for a few moments each day. And I also find a tablespoon of The Office taken every so often doesn’t hurt either – laughter and medicine and all that.

Stay healthy, stay joyful, and for heaven’s sake, wash those hands. 🙂