Who would’ve thought?

When I wrote my post last month, we were on the cusp on entering the most unique time I personally have ever lived through, perhaps with the exception of the weeks following September 11th. So much has happened and so much is now not happening, that it can be difficult to grasp on a day-to-day basis, if you can even remember what day it is.

Every story is different-some are working crazy hours; others have lost their jobs. Some students are now doing school at home; others have been turned loose since March. Some have a house full of other people; others have been alone since this all started. Some are on the front lines, putting themselves at risk every day; others are tasked with just staying home.

The one thing that does not change is God. He is our refuge, our strength and the solid ground on which we can stand even when everything else is shaking. He is our fortress. Psalm 91. It’s the truth that keeps me grounded and grateful.

So, that said, it’s been an exhausting, absolute whirlwind of a month for me although, professionally, a pretty exciting one. Secrets She Knew, the first Secrets and Lies suspense novel became an #1 Amazon Bestseller in multiple categories. This week, A Criminal Game because a #1 Amazon Bestseller in Christian Suspense and hit #113 on the Amazon Kindle Store. It was surreal to see my book up there next to (and ahead of for a few hours) Grisham and Rowling. It won’t happen everyday, but for one day, I got to see that–and I have the screen shots to prove it. 🙂

So what am I working on now? Liar Like Her, the second Secrets and Lies Suspense Novel. The first was Secrets She Knew, so if you liked that one, you’ll know what to expect. Here’s the cover, in case you’re interested:

Liar Like Her will release on October 13, 2020….but here’s the really cool thing. It will only be available as part of an INCREDIBLE boxed set of 8…yes 8…brand new full novels from 9 award-winning Christian Romantic Suspense authors. The boxed set is called: DANGEROUS DECEPTIONS and the whole set is only 99 cents! You can check the set out and preorder for 99 cents at www.dangerousdeceptions.com. I’ll blog about it in more detail in the coming months, but if 8 novels for 12.5 cents apiece delivered to you automatically in October sounds like a good thing — go ahead and grab it now on the website.

As I close, let me say that I’ve just prayed for all of you. For hope and safety, protection, health, blessings. For food and work and comfort and healing. For grace and His peace. And for chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate–or whatever else makes you smile during this struggle.

God bless. Choosing joy,
