CleanCaptivatingFiction™ Booklist

The CleanCaptivatingFiction™ Booklist contains my suggestions for quality fiction that is not only entertaining, but clean. A few may still have mature or dark themes, disturbing crimes, violence or controversial issues, but the language and content is not explicit.

If you like my books, here are some clean, captivating authors with similar styles:[spacer height="20px"]

Luana Ehrlich

Lisa Phillips

Elizabeth Goddard

Jaime Jo Wright

Jessica R. Patch

Patricia Bradley

Lisa Harris

Robin Patchen

Lynette Bonner

Natalie Walters

Terry Toler

Creston Mapes

Randy Alcorn

Randy Singer

James Scott Bell


I can't let you go without suggesting a few non-fiction books that have been informative and inspirational in my life. 

Heaven by Randy Alcorn

The Insanity of God by Nip Ripken with Gregg Lewis

Citizen by Rob Peabody

Kisses from Katie by Katie J. Davis and Beth Clark

Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope by Mary Beth Chapman with Ellen Vaughn

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